Set yourself FREE through clear  action that untangles what  holds you back
So that you experience maximum Impact! 
Master the flow state by 
energizing your WHY.
So that the excitement of your  work pulls you into action! 
self leadership
Practice self-leadership to become an INSPIRED LEADER.
So that you form deep Connections with people in your life! 
employee problems
Clear blind spots and GLASS CEILINGS.
So that you reach your full potential! 
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Business Coaching
Books, Trainings, and Bad Fits 
Maybe you've studied, trained, and even worked with other professionals, but haven't yet gained the self understanding and tools that break through the big challenges? The recurring or niggling problems that hide in Blind Spots or limit your potential. The Glass Ceilings that hold you back.

Imagine working with someone who has depth in the topic at hand and a broad base of skills to drive systemic change? Someone who  meets you where you are, and understands your unique challenges. A leader who empowers you to find your own answers, and teaches you the skills that will serve you the rest of your life. 

You deserve the support that mentors you through the process of understanding, to clarity, and into action that is aligned with your values and aspirations. The sky is the limit!

A great coach has passion and competence, the great coach is creative, open, and models integrity.

I'm a maverick, as a teenager I started on a path of life long learning about who we are, how we behave, and how that shapes what we create and how we experience the world. 

I had been self destructive, but something  called me into awareness, and helped me recognize I wanted more, I wanted to be more, and I wanted to offer more to the world. My life became a journey of finding my essential self, clarifying who I was in relation to others, and how I wanted to be in relation to the world I live in. 

I think the most important thing I've learned through the years is that we are always a work in progress, amazingly adaptable, and when we become less fixated on a status quo or on how to get to an end point, opportunities open before us. 

Over the past 35 years I've had business partnerships, started and sold two businesses. I've been married, divorced, re-married, raised children, and been a step-father. I've suffered chronic health issues and had major surgeries. That's life, we all have wins and we all have's how we relate and attend to them that matters most.

I've studied consciousness and our human condition through leadership trainings, right of passage work, neuroscience, therapeutic models from psychology, yoga, meditation, movement practices, psychodrama, energetic practices, three years of coaching training, yoga therapy training, group work, and shamanic studies. 

I'm always polishing my thinking and knowledge, because I love what I do! 

You've come a long way, what next?

We come to places where there seems to be a block, a glass ceiling. Something feels too big, impossible, saps your energy. Maybe you're burned out, worn out, wondering if you've gone down the wrong path. Are you with the wrong people? Where's the richness and flow that you once had? 

Maybe you talk with friends, co-workers, partners, business associates, family, but that doesn't really help. They don't ask you the hard questions or challenge you to look outside of the box you are in. Maybe they become part of the stuckness you feel. 

Your business is no longer fun. The partnership is on the rocks. Your relationship feels out of control. You feel like you're making bad choices and not taking care of yourself. 
Maybe you were told that you should solve your own problems, buck up. Or maybe you tried hiring a professional but it didn't move the needle. Maybe you ended up feeling more stuck, that happens, it's not your fault. Like any profession, there are people who are highly skilled, caring, and attuned to their clients...and others are not.

Your challenges are signposts to what you need to learn, and unlearn, so that you can have the meaningful life you desire. By meeting your challenges fully, you attain the understanding and tools that allow you to not "go through that again". 

I have challenges, you have different challenges. Our life challenges are unique to each of us even though there are similarities. They are exactly what is needed for us to grow to our next level of evolution. Look back at the challenges you have overcome and most likely you will recognize how they are core to who you are. 

I don't fix problems. I empower Leaders, Businesses, and Couples to recognize all the resources they  already have, they learn new ways to use them to work through challenges. And their ability to navigate challenges grows, leading to mastery! 

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